Official clock: 6:29 AM PT. Trade window is CLOSED

Winner Take All 6-Man Tag

10 points

Win a Winner Take All 6-Man Tag Match. In this match 1 singles title and both tag team titles will be on the line.

Recent matches:

  • TakeOver: In Your House 6/13/2021: Wes Lee Team Win over Santos Escobar Winner Take All 6-Man Tag stipulation. For the NXT TT Champion 1.
  • TakeOver: In Your House 6/13/2021: Zachary Wentz Team Win over Joaquin Wilde Winner Take All 6-Man Tag stipulation. For the NXT TT Champion 2.
  • TakeOver: In Your House 6/13/2021: Bronson Reed Team Win over Cruz Del Toro Winner Take All 6-Man Tag stipulation. For the NXT North American Championship.

All-time Winner Take All 6-Man Tag Leaders

Wrestler Matches Wins Points
Bronson Reed 1 1 50
Wes Lee 1 1 45
Zachary Wentz 1 1 45
Cruz Del Toro 1 0 0
Joaquin Wilde 1 0 0
Santos Escobar 1 0 0