NXT Stand & Deliver WrestleMania 2023 Season Dates
Posted by: goukijones Dec 10, 2022 | 430 views | 0 comments
NXT Stand & Deliver WrestleMania 2022
1/3/2023 - 4/4/2023
Draft Week
NXT Stand & Deliver 2023 season begins 1/3/2023 and ends at NXT Stand & Deliver WrestleMania 2023. Commissioners set your draft date and time at least one hour before NXT on Tuesday 1/3/2023. Scoring will begin in your leagues on this date.
MatchMaking is now open for the next season. Enter your team name now and get ready to draft your matchmaking team on Friday. MatchMaking leagues draft every Friday 1 hour before SmackDown and form all season long. It takes 4 people to fill 1 league. Join anytime. Enter MatchMaking
New Features
We’re asking you! What are some features you would like to see added to DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling? We’re constantly working on the website. We want to know what our members think we should add next, what’s really important to you? Please leave a comment below. Thank you for playing DropTheBelt.
Meet other members and introduce yourself in the comments section below. Invite people to join a league where you are commissioner. Or find other leagues that are looking to add more members. It’s FREE 100% FREE to join leagues on DTB. Join as many as you like.
New members on the free trial can play MatchMaking, Pick'em Tickets, set up private commissioner leagues and invite other members to join them. All members can join commissioned leagues for FREE. Tryout all of the DropTheBelt Premium Features FREE for 30 days. No credit card required. If you haven’t joined DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling SIGN UP HERE.
Good luck and have a great season!