Official clock: 8:56 AM PT. Trade window is OPEN

Foreign Object

3 points

Hit anyone with a foreign object. A foreign object can be anything not listed in other categories. Must not be a legal object in the match (a ladder doesn't count in a ladder match). This rule stacks 5 times. On the 6th hit, you receive Cheatacular Bonus.

Recent Foreign Object Points

All-time Foreign Object Leaders

Wrestler Occurances Points
Cora Jade 32 96
Tommaso Ciampa 12 36
Dakota Kai 11 33
Alba Fyre 10 30
Dijak 8 24
Tony D'Angelo 8 24
Candice LeRae 7 21
Michin 7 21
Damian Priest 6 18
Eddy Thorpe 6 18